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Domain Change

August 27, 2012

Just wanted to let you all know that I’m allowing the domain name for this blog to lapse. Beginning September 10, the URL will no longer work. Not by typing it, not by any bookmark or favorite, not by any RSS feed or any link that uses that address.

However, everything here will continue to be available via the free WordPress URL: I hope you’ll still drop in now and then to enjoy the old stuff. Please use that address to do so!



August 18, 2012

Just dropping in to this dormant blog to introduce my new blog.

Literodditi, like its name, will be a sneakily seductive mishmash of literate oddities and/or odd literati. If you like words, their use and abuse; if you’re a precieuse (or her spouse) and enthuse without pause; if you never confuse the abstruse with the muse; if you think a book is a funhouse, a whorehouse, a taphouse, or lighthouse; then this blog’s right in your wheelhouse. And if, somehow, you already know you want to see more, I encourage you to keep up with Literodditi on Facebook, using RSS, or via email. Click over there and check the sidebar for all the links.

The Feed was tremendous fun, but more than once I lost my head of steam, and eventually I couldn’t keep it up. The archives will stay up at, and I may add recordings again sometime. When I do, I’ll be sure to link to them at the new place so you won’t miss them.


From the Bottom of the Trough: Freya Manfred

December 2, 2011

Here’s something good, from deep in the Feed, that deserves more listens.

In “Why I Can’t Stay Married,” Freya Manfred can’t be stuck in one of those scary asylums you see  in movies where people wring their hands and can’t get out.

From the Bottom of the Trough: Robin Robertson

November 18, 2011

Today begins a new feature in which I’ll highlight something good, from deep in the Feed, that deserves more listens.

In “At Dawn,” Robin Robertson takes a new path off the mountain and finds, in a ruined croft, under the trestle table…

Saturday Linkheap

November 12, 2011

Maybe you missed them, or maybe you’ve forgotten since it’s just been so long since I linked these on the Feed’s Facebook page. Either way, enjoy!

These belong on your blogroll: The Moving Poems blog and the MotionPoems Vimeo page.

Super-Nifty: Another short film, this one full of images made out of words, each using only the letters in that word.

Helter Skelter: Take a spin around Google’s infinite bookcase! (If you browse in Chrome. If you don’t, gaze on it with envy here.)

Need something to read besides Twilight Potter and the Lord of the Hunger Rings? Follow this chart.

If a Whale Sound falls in the blogosphere: Does it still make a sound? Yes, because the archives are still around. Start with these highlights.

In related news: Nic Sebastian is still recording poems at Pizzicati of Hosanna.

S C A N D A L : Accusations of a stolen letter at the Scrabble Championship! And the solution to the M Y S T E R Y.


“Sea of Faith,” by John Brehm & “Lawrence,” by Tony Hoagland

October 26, 2011

This one tried to explain in such a way as to protect her from humiliation.

I was a new teacher when I pasted that little book full of poems-I-wished-I’d-written.  And apparently I was drawn to ones about teachers discovering they had things to learn from their students and teachers with regrets about things they’d declared or hadn’t. Jeffrey Harrison’s “The Fork” is in there, to0.

And so is this one, which failed, when someone at a party spoke of him with a dismissive scorn, to stand up for D.H. Lawrence.

“Sea of Faith” is the title poem in John Brehm’s book, Sea of Faith (U of Wisconsin Press, 2004). Here’s the text of the poem, on Brehm’s website. And “Lawrence” is in Tony Hoagland’s book, Donkey Gospel (Graywolf, 1998). Read it here, if you like, or watch Hoagland himself read it here.

“Introduction to Poetry,” by Paul Lake

October 25, 2011

This poem walks off like a goddess on the foam.

Not long ago, I was sorting out some of the piled-up bookshelves in my office and uncovered a little spiral-bound journal I kept eight or ten years ago.  I hadn’t ever written in it, just pasted in photocopies of poems that I had read and wished that I had written.  Finding this was like unboxing winter clothes, going through the jacket pockets, feeling a bill, and pulling out a twenty.  So, for the next couple of weeks, I’ll read a few of these poems here on the Feed.

Today’s poem was published in Paul Lake’s book, Another Kind of Travel (U of Chicago Press, 1987).

“the times,” by Lucille Clifton

October 18, 2011

Today’s poem catches itself relieved that they are white.

I read “the times” from a little notebook I kept in the early aughts into which I used to cut and paste–with actual scissors and real rubber cement–poems I wished that I had written. You can find and buy it in Clifton’s Blessing the Boats: New and Selected Poems 1988-2000 (BOA Editions, 2000).

“The Indoors is Endless,” by Tomas Tranströmer

October 6, 2011

This poem walks around among grandiose houses where only every second column bears weight.

“The Indoors is Endless” is by Tomas Tranströmer who just won the Nobel Prize in Literature. This version was translated by Robin Fulton. It is collected in Tranströmer’s New Collected Poems (Bloodaxe, 1997), and I read it from its page on

“After a Death,” by Tomas Tranströmer

October 6, 2011

Today’s first poem left behind a long shimmering comet tail.

“After a Death” was written by this year’s Nobel Prize winner in literature, Tomas Tranströmer and was translated by Robert Bly. It is collected in Bly’s selected translations, The Winged Energy of Delight (Harper Perennial, 2005). I read it from its page on